Grant program guidelines & application process

FSI (Family Strength Initiatives) Fund Grant Program accepts grant applications from families who reside in Everett, Massachusetts who are living with Autism that are in need of financial assistance. Applications are also accepted for organizations who directly help, care for or educate children or adults within the Autistic spectrum.  On an annual basis, families can apply for up to $1,000 through the program to help defray the costs associated with the care for an autistic family member. Professional organizations can apply for funds that will be reviewed and granted for direct purchase of supplies or programs to supplement and enhance programs. These applications will be reviewed on a case to case basis.

Monies used from grant must be used for items or programs that directly improves the life of an individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Please note, we can only accept one application per family per year.

Examples of approved uses of the grant money include, but are not limited to:

  • Before & after school care​
  • Educational evaluation
  • Educational tools
  • Legal fees related to advocacy
  • Parent counseling & advisory services
  • Recreational programs
  • Respite care
  • Therapies
  • Uninsured medical expenses
  • Safety needs
  • Social skills training​

 We are now accepting applications for the 2018. All grant applications will be reviewed by our Board of Directors. 

Eligibility Requirements

  • Eligible families have a family member (or members) medically diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Official documentation stating the individual's autism diagnosis must be provided
  • Sufficient documentation to support residency.  (Applicant must reside in Everett, Massachusetts.)  
  • Only one application per family per year will be considered.
  • Applicant must provide a written letter describing their family's financial hardship/need and how the grant will be used to benefit the autistic family member.
  • professional organizations must provide a list of items or programs for purchase considerations as well as articles of organization. 

FSI (Family Strength Initiatives) Fund

Grant Program